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Join Elisa for her next webinar

What every woman needs to know
about money and finances

Thursday, February17, 2022
8pm EST/7pm CST/5pm PST

This webinar is packed with information on the different financial topics you need to know but were never taught. 

Come ready to learn!

If you can't make it, sign up to receive the recording.

You need to confirm your subscription in the email sent to you in order to receive the email with the zoom link for the webinar and replay.
This email may show up in your "promotions" tab in gmail or your spam folder. 

How long will the webinar last?

I don't plan to waste your time. The webinar will last 1 hr with teaching for 45-50 minutes and time for Q&A at the end.


What topics will be covered?

In brief, I will cover: 

- What about your finances you should know, even if your significant other manages the finances

- What financial accounts and insurances you should have and don't need for different situations.

- The key to building wealth

- Why smart people have a hard time with money and finances


Is this only for physicians? 

No, most of the information applies to everyone but it is geared towards higher income professionals. 


I have another question! Fill out the form to get an answer via email.


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